Common Names:- Spotted golden-thistle

Synonyms:- None

Meaning:- Scolymus, the ancient Greek name for the artichoke.
                  Maculatus (L) Spotted, blotched, bearing spots.             
General description:- Annual  almost glabrous.

1) 15-90 cm, with continuous, irregularly spinose-dentate wings. Upper branches,  
    divaricately spreading.

1) 40-200 x 20-80 mm; thick, rigid with a broad whitemid vein and strongly
    thickened white margins.
2) Basal, oblanceolate, soft, pinnatifid, with few spines.
3) Cauline, rigid, oblong-lanceolate to ovate, sinuate-pinnatifid, spiny.
4) Uppermost, regularly pectinate-spiny.

1) Golden yellow, with only ray-florets, joined together in a capitula from 20-30 mm
    diam. attached at the axil of the leaves, along the stems.
2) Involucre, 12-18 x 8-12 mm.
3) Bracts, of involucre ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, acute, narrowed to acute
    points. 3 toothed and spiny bracts surrounding involucre itself.  
4) Receptacular scales not narrowed at apex.
5) Ligules with blackish hairs on the back.

1) Achenes 2·5-4 mm, obovate.
2) Pappus absent.

Key features:-
1) Leaves and wings of stem with a strongly thickened white margin.
2) Uppermost leaves regularly pectinate-spiny.
3) Pappus absent.
4) Upper branches, divaricately spreading.

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Habitat:- Cultivated and fallow fields, roadsides, sandy wasteground. 0-100 m.

Distribution:- Limited distribution across the Aegean. Widespread but scattered in
the Mediterranean region, eastwards to N Iraq. rare on Crete currently known from
only two locations in the west.

Flowering time:- May- June.

Photos by:- Marinos Gogolos